A rational totally instrumented facility enables us to perform water, air, and oil quenches and annealing on our centrifugally cast parts.
Main features
The forced stirring “quench” baths permit the precise transformations in structure as requested by the specifications (2 x 33 m3, oil and water).
4,5 m
Max length
6 m
Max outer diameter
20 t
Max weight
Dimensions and shapes
Centrifugation is mainly reserved for hollow cylindrical parts (rings, tubes, etc.). The raw external profile, generally of revolution, can be stepped (several different diameters), with flange(s) or even conical shapes.
The bore, which is cylindrical because cores are not used, is obtained by the quantity of metal introduced into the centrifugation shell.
The large fleet of tools, of more than 1,500 shells, makes it possible to achieve the dimensions and shapes requested very closely enabling an economical solution with little waste.